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Auroras Oracle
PIN: 6479
Rating: Full StarFull StarFull StarFull StarHalf Star
Skills: Angel Cards, Animal Communication, Astrology, Aura Readings, Chakra Balance, Clairaudience, Clairsentience, Clairvoyance, Colour Therapy, Crystals, Dream Analysis, Medium, Natural Psychic, Past Lives, Psychic Development, Psychometry, Reiki & Spiritual Healing, Remote Viewing, Runes, Tarot Cards
Bio: Hi There I am Auroras Oracle and I have been giving readings for about 20 years, I am a compassionate natural Psychic, I have a guide who connects with me giving me direct insight through psychic visions and automatic writing. The areas I tend to read on the most are general, love and relationships, career and family life. I like to introduce myself and give my clients some information on how I work. I like to ask my clients to relax and be as comfortable as possible. In a first time reading with me you can feel rest assured that I am there to make you feel uplifted and try to aim to move any emotional blockages that I can see, so that you feel enlightened and encouraged to move forwards with greater confidence on your life path. The tools that I prefer to use are my cards and crystals. As soon as I start shuffling, my guides often show me what they feel I need to tell my client. From that initial image I can usually tell if I have made a connection with them. I like to ensure I get to the crux of their questions and guide them as best I can in a direct and loving manner. During my free time I engage in motivational speaking, spiritual art (and exhibit) and freelance writing. I also like to teach dance, art and spiritual workshops; do yoga and support my creative friends in their endeavours such as attend their music gigs, exhibitions and so forth. One of my favourite inspirational quotes is: "Don't grieve. Anything you lose comes in another form" by Rumi