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John Healey
PIN: 4718
Rating: Full StarFull StarFull StarFull StarHalf Star
Skills: Angel Cards, Animal Communication, Astrology, Clairaudience, Clairsentience, Clairvoyance, Colour Therapy, Crystals, Life Coaching, Medium, Numerology, Past Lives, Pendulum, Psychic Development, Reiki & Spiritual Healing
Bio: Hi, I'm John. I have worked on Psychic Today for many years and have enjoyed regular appearances. Alongside my natural psychic intuition, I use remote viewing techniques and a multitude of other tools such as numerology and astrology. I don't just read on the future, I will usually be able to give you insight on your past and present situations too. Stand by for an in depth reading that delves into many different areas of your life! Have a reading with me and hopefully you'll see for yourself why I'm on your screens so often.